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Presentation to the Reading Lions Club - CIO

Updated: Sep 15, 2023

It was a great pleasure to be invited by the Reading Lions Club

to share my journey in becoming an

author and writing 'Enemy Sighted'.

Very interested to learn that Douglas Bader, a leading figure within Fighter Command during the Second World War, had been a member of the very same Reading Lions Club!

Here is an extract from my book, detailing Bader's account on 15 September 1940, Battle of Britain Day, when he brought five squadrons of Spitfires and Hurricanes with him to engage the Luftwaffe over London.

'Dived down with leading section in formation onto last section of three enemy aircraft ... I took middle one ... opened fire at 100 yards in steep dive and saw a large flash behind starboard motor of Dornier as wing caught fire, must have hit petrol pipe or tank, overshot and pulled up steeply.'

"It was an absolute pleasure having you visit and speak to our club. Your passion and knowledge for the subject was evident. Thank you on behalf of our members and good luck with the book..."



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